What is Coolbet and Coolbet Open?

Are there any age restrictions?

What is the dress code in the tournament room and at the casino?

Can I wear logos at the tournament?

What do I need to register at the venue?

How can I buy-in to play the Coolbet Open events?

How can I deposit and withdraw using the Chesterfield Wallet?

Can I use cash to buy-in to tournaments or other games?

I have won a ticket or have tournament credit from Coolbet Open. Would I also need to create an account in the Chesterfield Wallet?

How can I play other casino games with use of the Chesterfield Wallet?

Can I use casino chips as buy-in for the Coolbet Open events?

Can I buy-in to Coolbet Open events with money on my Coolbet account?

How will I be paid if I win?

Where can I get food and drinks during the tournament?

Will there be cash games during the tournament?

What else can I find at Chesterfield Poker Club?

How do I get to and from the airport?

What else is interesting close to the venue?